Did My Failed Relationship Become An Unwanted Common-Law Marriage?

Breaking up a relationship before it leads to marriage is supposed to be easy from a legal standpoint. Each person goes their separate ways without having to sign any paperwork, leaving no record of your relationship. You may not be aware that your relationships can actually become common-law marriages under the right circumstances. 16 states acknowledge common-law marriages based on factors such as the length of the relationship, living together, and filing joint tax returns.

Frequently Asked Questions About Starting The Divorce Process: Hiring An Attorney

Getting a divorce is a complicated process that can leave many people confused and frustrated. The outcomes of a divorce can be liberating or devastating, but either way, all divorces are life changing events. The more you understand about your divorce, your rights, and the process itself, the better off you'll be. This FAQ is designed to answer some of the questions you might have at the beginning of the process, to help you get off to a good start:

2 Tips To Help You Protect Your Company's Trade Secrets

If you recently developed a new product or procedure that is helping your company make a lot of money, you may need to take steps to prevent your employees from stealing these new ideas. Here are two steps you should consider taking. Limit what you tell The first thing you should consider doing is limiting what the employees know about the new product, procedure, or idea. The less they know, the better.

What Injury Compensation Is Right For You?

If your life is being affected by injuries or conditions that make it difficult to earn a meaningful, survivable income, there are programs in place that can assist you. Depending on the cause of the condition, the severity, and a few personal traits, you may qualify for more than one compensation program. Since each program or compensation option comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks, keep a few of the following ideas in mind as you decide what to apply for.

The 3 Elements of Criminal Attempt, and How They Can Apply to You

Many people have a hard time understanding some of the points involved with criminal attempt charges. After all, an attempt isn't the crime itself. However, what they fail to realize is that an attempt is a crime, and it's punishable by law. Sometimes the punishment may seem harsh, especially if there was no harm in the end. Here's how criminal attempt works. The 3 Elements of Criminal Attempt When someone tries to commit a crime and fails, it's criminal attempt.