Finding Your Way After a Divorce

There are a lot of people happy to offer advice about how to proceed with a divorce once you've set your mind to it. Far fewer offer anything like a rational accounting of how to proceed once the divorce is finalized, or what to be prepared for. Going through a divorce is hard for anyone, but the struggle is rarely over just because the ink is dry on the court documents.

Drafting A Bill Of Sale For The Sale Of A Used Car

Selling a used car to an individual usually results in a higher sales price than selling the vehicle to a dealership. If the buyer is a complete stranger, the sales transaction may create a level of uncertainty for both parties. A seller of a used car can alleviate much of the uncertainty surrounding a vehicle transaction by drafting an adequate bill of sale. A bill of sale is a written document signed by both buyer and seller.

Preventable Causes Of Stillbirth That May Lead To Wrongful Death Claims

If the negligence of a medical provider leads to your stillbirth, then you may hold the provider legally liable for your loss. Such cases of negligence usually occur if the medical provider does not take the necessary precautions to deal with a known cause of stillbirth. Here are three examples of these known causes of stillbirths: Umbilical Cord Abnormalities The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta. It supplies the baby with oxygen and nutrients while removing his or her waste products.

How A Lawyer Can Assist With Getting Custody Of A Neglected Grandchild

Do you want custody of your grandchild because your son or daughter is a neglectful parent? You may be able to get permanent or temporary custody of the child if you meet the grandparents rights laws in the state that you reside in. Find out below how a family lawyer can assist with your custody case, as well as what his or her services will cost. How Can a Lawyer Help a Grandparent Get Custody of a Grandchild?

3 Things You Need to Know about Getting Divorced

It is estimated that the average divorce rate for first time marriages is 45–50%. The more times a person has been married, the likelier it is that they will divorce. Sometimes, despite the best efforts of both people involved, a marriage just doesn't work out. Even though divorce is fairly common, there are still many things that not everyone knows about it. Here are three things you need to know about getting divorced.